Residents of Precinct 344 have one more vote on the ballot than most of Williamson County in the March primary. And, with 18 years of military training, challenger Colonel Josh McConkey is easily qualified to meet the goals and objectives of a Republican Precinct Chair.
What is a Precinct Chair?
Duties of a Precinct Chair include promoting and growing the GOP locally, working to elect Republican candidates, and getting out the vote in his or her precinct. The Chair should—as often as possible—identify, register, inform and turnout voters; make an effort to get to know other GOP members, and create opportunities for voters to become more involved with the party. He or she is also expected to attend county meetings and conventions.
Dr. McConkey is running for this position because, he says, “It’s easy to expect someone else to do it, but 2020 is really important. We need all hands on deck and leave no stone unturned. I want to support Williamson County with strong Republican leadership, and we have to work for it now.”
Dr. McConkey moved to Georgetown in 2018 to establish an emergency medical practice, which has been and is successful and growing. He is an Associate Member of the Georgetown Area Republican Women and is a consultant for Congressman John Carter on healthcare issues and concerns.
“My goal is to lead by example. I have a vision of what Williamson County was and still is, and it needs to stay that way for the future. I want to be a Precinct Chair because I believe grass roots is where we combat the complacency we were somewhat awakened from in 2018. I also love the safety and conservative values in our area, and these things will not stay if we take them for granted and don’t get involved.”
His concerns about complacency are two-fold. As a combat veteran, he has a physical understanding of what complacency can do on a battlefield. In government, he says, “I have a lot of energy and this is where I want to focus it. If we lose those elements of safety and conservative values now, it will be hard to get them back; I want my children to enjoy what I moved to Georgetown for.”
Dr. McConkey is already making plans to get out the vote by blockwalking and getting to know his neighbors from Wolf Ranch to Cimarron Hills. He will focus on new residents and new housing developments. “The biggest thing in any campaign is teamwork, and the military prepared me for that. Also, be sure that my biggest asset is having the energy to get out and do the work. I haven’t seen evidence of the level of effort I believe we need to get out the vote in 2020. I will be out shaking hands, walking with my kids, and teaching them about civic responsibility.”
Dr. McConkey adds that living in one of the safest counties in America is part of why we are one of the fastest growing. “If you believe in something, it’s worth putting in the time. We welcome all the new diversity, but I won’t lose sight of what we stand for either.”
In addition to his military service, Dr. McConkey has a healthcare background, was an adjunct professor at Duke University, and is dedicated to vetting the people who will be running for office in 2020 and beyond. “This is the lowest ‘boots on the ground’ and I plan to do the research, talk to candidates, and legitimately tell my constituents which candidates have the integrity to lead us and follow through on their promises. It is the mission of a precinct chair to help voters recognize candidates who are everything they claim to be.”
Dr. McConkey will be on the ballot for voters in Precinct 344 in the March 3, 2020 Republican primary.