I wholeheartedly endorse Bill Gravell for County Judge. I am no crony. And I can promise you our judges earn their living every day serving you. Something that goes forgotten is just how often Judge Gravell serves us. All of the little things people don’t see, we in the justice system get to see in Judge Gravell. When he was new to the bench, he listened to us, not because we were running for office or because he was, he simply wanted to know how he could improve justice in Williamson County.
He is a positive man who, every day, has a smile on his face, a kind word, prayer or thought for all people. He sees people in his court who have had tickets or lost their license; things we may find trivial but it’s not to him. He wants to know what he can do to get them back to work, or solve a medical issue. He cares and listens to every person who comes before him and he has the highest volume of any of our courts.
Williamson County is changing and growing but Judge Gravell is from here and he wants to maintain the old values; a good work ethic, honesty, integrity and he is keeping an open mind to know how we can do things different and better while holding on to the values that made us great.
I also want to point out that of our 29 elected officials 22 deal with law enforcement. Those 22 do not have a voice in County government so we need leadership that understands that, of course, it is important to have roads and parks and schools but unless we are safe and have a fair, honest and transparent justice system, all of that is for naught—we will continue to grow but we will not be the county that got us here. Judge Gravell is ready to face those challenges. He’s the right person to lead WILCO into the future. He cares.
Shawn Dick, Williamson Co District Attorney
I am supporting Judge Bill Gravell for a vast array of reasons. I have served in law enforcement in Williamson County for some time now and currently serve as your Sheriff. I have worked with Judge Gravell throughout the years as he served WilCo as Justice of the Peace. He has demonstrated a lot of character and all of the qualities I want to see in a leader for Williamson County and I have seen the passion and compassion he has for the people. As JP he has worked with law enforcement and come to many scenes to support us. He also supported the Police Lives Matter movement when our forces around Central Texas were demoralized due to nationwide negativity towards Law enforcement.
I have grown to admire him and value his friendship. He is a true leader and if he is elected we will enjoy an environment where people collaborate, work together and move Williamson County forward.
So yes, when people ask me why I support him, it’s because I have personally seen him on the side of the road in the dark of night at a fatality scene. Every time he goes out there, he treats every one of those victims with the compassion and heart that you would want for your family or friend. To some people it is just a job but you are not getting that with Judge Gravell. I ask you, if you support law enforcement, tell your family and friends to vote in this election. I will always endorse and support Bill in anything he decides to do. He is someone who is going to make a difference and he will support our public safety personnel because we, and you, need it.
Robert Chody, Williamson County Sheriff
The upcoming election for Williamson County Judge is going to be a game-changer. It is time for fiscally conservative policies and management because I don’t want to think about what will happen to Williamson County if our $1.4 billion debt continues to climb. We in Texas have enjoyed unparalleled recovery in general over the past decade. Williamson County, specifically, has had the good fortune to attract more new business than whole states in the aggregate. We need Judge Bill Gravell to continue this trend, period. Judge Gravell has managed the JP3 offices effectively and fruitfully every day since his appointment in 2013. Not only did he increase Pct 3 revenues by more than 250 percent in just six months, his office has continued to take advantage of technology and innovative business procedures to make actual government processes efficient and more convenient, which amounts to good customer service. I challenge other counties or states to say they have done the same.
John Hesser, Georgetown City Council
Bill Gravell is my choice for Williamson County Judge. There are many reasons for this, but the most important is that he has consistently demonstrated servant-leadership and a passion for people throughout the many years that I have know him. We share core values of communication, connection, and integrity…All of which are necessary for this leadership role.
My little sister, who was in her last year of high school at the time, became truant and went before Judge Gravell in his courtroom. He turned what could have been a very disruptive and challenging situation into a positive one because, in her words, “he understood.” I’ve also served on a jury there and been awed by his ability to be firm yet compassionate ultimately guide us to a win-win resolution.
I realize that the responsibilities of our County Judge are very different from those of a Justice of the Peace. However, duties that are in common and absolutely critical to success include finding creative solutions, building consensus, and serving the people of Williamson County by listening effectively and then acting accordingly. Judge Gravell has valuable experience and influence at both the local and state level, and I fully trust him to represent Williamson County!
Valerie Nicholson, Georgetown City Council
In December of 2016 I met Judge Gravell,when my family was facing eviction from our home of almost seven years. I walked into his court room so scared because well I didn’t know what to expect and quickly realized this wasn’t your typical one. As I sat there waiting to go before him I got to hear all the amazing and useful advice he was giving each person ahead of me and slowly the nerves eased.
When it was finally my turn I began to cry realizing that we would be losing our apartment but Judge Gravell gave me some of the best advice I’d heard in a long time. He said Do not let this define you, you are better than this and can and will overcome anything that you face from here on out. He also made sure I had plenty of tissues to wipe away the tears. Thanks to his kindness and inspiration I am finally enrolling in college to get my degree in Criminal Justice and am in a much better place all because he treated me as a person and not just a case number.
Thanks, Jenise Rodriguez
First, I want to implore your readers to be aware that there is a primary election on March 6. This vote is no less important to us simply because there is no president on it. In fact, this primary is even more critical because we will be voting for Williamson County Judge; an office that has a much greater and more immediate effect on our lives. I believe Judge Bill Gravell is the only candidate with the qualifications to handle the responsibilities of that office; managing the county budget and ensuring the safety of our citizens. Judge Gravell manages an office of 20-plus individuals in Precinct 3. He is already familiar with and competent as a director of government operations and has won awards at every level for the accomplishments and achievements in civil service. At the same time, his tireless efforts and support of law enforcement has earned him the endorsement of nearly every response agency in the county, including our Sheriff and District Attorney. I’ve found Judge Gravell’s opponent has a very slim view of what constitutes “business” experience for the job. I for one think that since they have recognized and commended the work Judge Gravell has done, the Chief Justice of Texas and Texas Association of Counties have a much better definition of good business. In short, we need to vote for the candidate who has proven his leadership and business acumen at every level, Bill Gravell.
Joe Savage, Georgetown
I have had the pleasure of knowing Bill Gravell for almost 20 years. During that time, I’ve known him as a friend, a mentor, a boss, a pastor and now a respected leader in my beloved community. In each role, I’ve found him to be the same person: a man of integrity. He weighs his actions and decisions against the word of God. He loves his family and has raised outstanding children. He takes business matters placed before him seriously and manages them successfully. He loves those he works with, encouraging people to work as a team and treating each person fairly and with respect. He has a way of bringing a spirit of humility and fun to each challenge placed before him. He has always had a knack for taking something that no one thinks is possible and, despite all odds, bringing it to life. He’s the type of man I want to see continue to succeed in our community, the type of man who should shape our future and the type of legacy we want associated with Williamson County.
Belle Crouch, Jarrell
I would like to appeal to the folks in Williamson County to vote for Judge Bill Gravell as County Judge in the upcoming election. It seems today’s politicians do not always have the people’s best interest in their decisions. We can rest assured this will not happen when we elect Judge Gravell. His history in public office speaks for itself. He is innovative, informed, hard working, ethical and will consider the needs of the public in his decisions. Don’t miss out on this opportunity.
Priscilla King, Jarrell