This year’s graduating class, the class of 2017, experienced a wide range of emotions as they approached the ceremony they’ll remember for the rest of their lives. As the final weeks dawned on the anticipating seniors, they completed their last high school assignments, tests, and memories. Expectations were set high, as the seats within the Cedar Park Center were set up in preparation for the upcoming event.
“It was honestly very stressful and nerve wracking but I was fully ready to get it done and move on to the real world. I couldn’t sleep that night before graduation; kept tossing and turning and it was sinking in that this really was it. No more walking the halls of Georgetown High or seeing my friends as often. The day it happened and the moment my name was called and I was walking the stage, every word and feeling I had leading up to it disappeared and it felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders,” said Jacob Sandoval, GHS graduate.
The atmosphere of the new venue came as a comforting surprise to the graduating class due to the inclement weather at the 2016 graduation ceremony, held at the GHS stadium. It was decided that this year’s ceremony should be held indoor at the HEB Center in Cedar Park instead, to prevent any outdoor catastrophes.
“It was a whole different atmosphere than we all really expected. To come out of the hallway and into the heart of the HEB center to see all of the parents loading up the area, and hear them cheer us on was incredible,” continued Sandoval.
As these former high school students wave goodbye to their old friends and teachers, they welcome college and full-time careers, “I move into Sam Houston on July 5th and I’m taking a summer class and playing soccer,” said Baylee Ford, GHS graduate. The real world is now waiting for them with open arms.
The Millennial View is a regular feature giving readers a look at what the younger generation thinks about current topics. Haley and Julianna are students at Georgetown High School.