This month you should receive a mailing from the U.S. Census Bureau in your mailbox. I hope someone from every household in Georgetown will answer your census survey because a complete count of our residents benefits all of us.
Since the census count of our population affects so much that happens locally, including federal funding and political representation, the City of Georgetown is partnering with the Census Bureau to encourage our residents to participate in the decennial count. We formed the Georgetown Complete Count Committee, including staff from the City, Georgetown ISD, and a number of local nonprofits, to help spread the word about the 2020 Census. We want to make sure all residents know why the census is important.
The census matters here
Census data are used to adjust electoral districts at all levels of government. An accurate count ensures you have a voice in how decisions are made. In addition, everyone who is counted represents $1,500 in funding for new highways, special education grants, schools lunches, hospitals, children’s health insurance, community development block grants, housing loans, and more than 100 programs.
Respond online, phone, or mail: The 2020 Census is the first time you will have the option to respond online. The mailer you receive will have instructions for how to respond online. You also may respond by phone using a toll-free number included in the mailer. If the Census does not receive a response online or by phone from your household, then a survey will be mailed to you or a census-taker will come to your door.
Required by the Constitution
Everyone living in the U.S. is required by law to be counted in the 2020 Census. The Constitution mandates a count of the population once every 10 years.
Ten questions
The census questionnaire includes ten simple questions like the name, age, race, and sex, of people who live in your home on April 1. Other questions include whether you rent or own your home and a phone number in case the Census has any questions about your responses.
What the Census won’t ask
The Census will not ask you for your social security number, money or donations, credit card numbers, or citizenship status. If you suspect fraud from a mailer or phone call or someone at your door, call (800) 923-8282 to speak with a local Census Bureau representative.
Answers are confidential
Your personal information is confidential and cannot be shared with anyone, including any government agencies or law enforcement. Your responses on the census cannot be used against you by any government agency or court. The Census uses responses to produce statistics with no identifiable information about you, your home, or your business. Information about individuals is protected by law for 72 years.
Responses are secure
Census responses are safe. Data encryption and two forms of authentication are used for ensure the security of responses.
We all benefit when everyone who lives here is counted in the census. The census population count is the basis for our representation at the Legislature and in Congress as well as billions of dollars in federal funding.
Let’s make sure everyone gets counted in the 2020 Census. Help to shape your future. You can learn more about the 2020 Census at 2020census.gov.