Agape Pregnancy Resource Center and Image Clear Ultrasound (ICU) unveiled Williamson County’s first-ever mobile pregnancy resource center at a Ribbon Cutting and Dedication Ceremony. The Round Rock Chamber of Commerce hosted the event at the Dell Diamond Parking lot on April 5 and the ribbon was cut by Mayor Alan McGraw. A time of dedicated was led by over a dozen local pastors.
The mobile unit, a 31’ RV, has been built from the chassis up to serve as a medical clinic. It will be equipped with an ultrasound machine, and other essentials that will help Agape take its ministry to areas up to a 20-mile radius of its current facility at 104 E. Main Street, Round Rock. The organization plans to continue providing programs and services at its current location.
“We believe this is the next step for our ministry,” said Executive Director Jo Markham. “Going mobile will allow us to reach underserved areas of our community that are in need of the services we provide. But, we will need the community’s support to make it a success.”
The ministry is one hundred percent privately funded and relies heavily on grants, churches and fundraising events for its operating budget. Agape does not accept any government funding for any of its programs.
Getting technical things worked out with the RV and hope to be able to get out into the community by the end of April
Agape Pregnancy Resource Center is a faith-based nonprofit organization that assists women facing unplanned pregnancy and has been part of the Round Rock community for more than 13 years. Since opening in 2004, Agape has seen over 12,000 first-time clients, with return visits (for classes and other services) numbering over 50,000. Compassionate, caring services are provided at no cost to clients and their families.
For more information, contact Agape at 512-496- 2391 or e-mail [email protected].