by Mike Payne
Politics in Williamson County went pretty much as expected in recent elections. Republicans held on almost everywhere, despite increasing efforts by Democrats to change the landscape. Much adulation and roaring came from the Left about the “closing gap” that they said should be obvious to all. And that’s all well and good, except for one thing—Newton’s third law which states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
What does that have to do with politics? Simple—the response by Republicans during these elections was equal to the pressure imposed by their opposition. So, before Dems go off and have an early Independence Day party, it would behoove them to remember that Republicans responded only as necessary. Had the necessity for more force been required, there was a cavalcade standing ready to provide those resources. After all, this is still Texas, and Texas is still very red.
In the Williamson County Judge Primary race, Judge Bill Gravell (Precinct 3) defeated Round Rock attorney Frank Leffingwell, who jumped into the race at the last minute. Since the outcome of that election, people have been coming back together in Reagan-esque fashion for the unity of the party. Of course, there are always those who are simply sore losers; that is not only to the detriment of the party, but will ultimately reflect in their inability to engage and accomplish tasks for the greater good of the county. If they can’t see that for themselves, writing it down here probably won’t help much.
Then, there’s Georgetown with Mayor Dale Ross who is as likely to be on television in Japan or South America as here in the Austin market. It’s been said that estimates put the value of marketing done around the world in the name of his Green Energy efforts to have a value, so far, of about $20 million. Georgetown has been, and continues to be, on display around the world as it champions conservation efforts. The Mayor often reminds constituents that this isn’t a Red or Blue issue, it is simply doing what’s best for the residents of Georgetown. If he could capture the essence of what he’s doing and bottle it, it would sell for more than a big bottle of Creed from Neiman Marcus. And, this Mayor is guiding Georgetown through explosive, unparalleled growth; and doing so in a manner that is actually improving the quality of life for all who call Georgetown home. Could it be better than this?
In the big picture, we had seriously better get ready for the upcoming race of Congressman Carter, because this is a seat that Dems have their eye on. And it’s certainly not anything that this Congressman has or hasn’t done, but rather the fact that they’ve been regularly pouring millions of dollars in outside money in other races, and they’re salivating because of the perceived “surge” of Democratic strength in the southwestern sector of Williamson County, and Texas, in general. Fortunately, Judge can and will raise the funds necessary to fight off this attempt. If, by the slimmest of chances, the Republican Primary race had gone the other way, there would be a Democrat in this seat on November 7th.
Thanks to all who continue to make Williamson County one of the best places to live in the entire United States of America. And thanks to God who watches over us!