Our Millennial generation has discovered the many different uses of new technology. Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are a few of the several ways we choose to communicate, share, and express our daily lives as teenagers. Recently, social media trends have flourished exponentially, causing us to obsess over what our own feed looks like to others.
“We constantly check social media to see if something new comes up, or if there’s a new trend. In a way, we are worried about what other people are doing,” explained GHS sophomore, Ryan Odom.
The validation of another’s approval is what a teenager seeks within these mind-controlling apps. For some, a ‘like’ will suffice, for others a ‘retweet’, but most will strive for a high count of followers. In doing so, Millennials will take and post selfies, memes, or their random thoughts, in the hope of humoring others. Using apps on the phone creates a virtual getaway from reality, “I am addicted to my phone because I play games to escape what’s happening in real life,” says GHS junior, Sean Eichol. Therefore, the ultimate goal in using games or social media apps is to entertain ourselves or our followers while finding an escape from school and work life along the way.
“People stay connected, but sometimes social media stops actual conversations and physical interaction with people,” says Reagann Striedel, GHS junior. The addiction to technology has escalated to teenagers routinely checking their phone over 74 times per day, on average. Constant checking is included during the school day as well, for most students are seen staring at their phone screen rather than at the whiteboard.
As of the 21st century, technology runs businesses, schools, and even relationships. Is the world capable of functioning without artificial intelligence? Today’s Millennials grew up with considerable technology advances, learning to rely on them as if they are a guide to the rest of our lives. We will make a choice to either continue the influence, or find an alternate way to express our communications for generations to come.
“I don’t think it’s possible to live without our phones because technology is such an integral part of our lives, we can’t communicate without them, and there’s no point in going back to letters or carrier pigeons. Why would we want to when we have this convenience?” GHS sophomore, Abbey Burn said.
The Millennial View is a regular feature giving readers a look at what the younger generation thinks about current topics. Haley and Julianna are students at Georgetown High School.