I write today in support of the candidacy of Katherine Kerr Kubatsky for Justice of the Peace precinct 3. I have known Katherine ever since I moved to Sun City in Georgetown. I believe that it’s better to vote for the right person regardless of party affiliation and I’ve got signs in my yard in support of people from both parties. I particularly support Katherine whose experience as a police and courtroom reporter, her service in CASA, and other social service agencies serve to prepare her to be objective in dealing with all she will encounter. Katherine is REALLY smart and REALLY caring. She is also a very good listener and she will get it right on crime. She is objective. She will expand court hours to serve folks who work. She will run an efficient, transparent court with respect and fairness for all who come before her. I believe her experience and personality, concern for careful usage of our tax dollars and determination to flight for justice for ALL in Williamson County eminently qualify her and I’m asking that you vote for her.
Respectfully, Jim Deuser, Georgetown